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“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16

We are all precious in the sight of the Lord…

He may shake his head a lot, but we’re all precious.

Credit Leanin’ Tree Greeting Cards

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“The Longest Night” Service December 21st, 4:30 PM“The Longest Night” Service December 21st, 4:30 PM

St. John’s Episcopal Church, Warsaw VA

Christmas can be a challenging season for those struggling with grief. We invite you to “come as you are” and share in this reflective candlelight service where hearts will gather to nurture hope and healing and seek a lighter beingness in the midst of darkness. Open to parishioners, friends, and everyone in the community.

This service is a collaborative effort between St. John’s (Warsaw), N. Farnham and St. John’s (Tappahannock) and will be held at St. John’s (Warsaw).