December 2024
Samantha and Carl Barber and their pups (left) joined the Sisson family (cool dad & daughter, right), along with four other families ringing bells to raise donations for the Salvation Army on December 14, 2024, in front of Tractor Supply as a joint outreach of our two churches. It was a great way to meet our neighbors, spread holiday cheer, and help the needy in Richmond County.
And not just bell ringing! Our two churches also did a toy and clothing drive to provide gifts to needy children in our area for Christmas. We collected dozens of items, including brand new toys, coats, hats, gloves, shirts, and pants, to fill lots of holiday gift bags!
St. John’s Episcopal Church Women sponsored a booth at Warsaw’s Christmas Town celebration on December 14th, selling wreaths and greens to support local charities. In the true spirit of two churches with one heart, N. Farnham’s ECW lent a hand!
The North Farnham Episcopal Church Women spent the evening of December 16th filling reusable Christmas totes with warm blankets, stuffed animals, ornaments, and bookmarks for the residents of Farnham Manor. A group of parishioners delivered the goodies in person on December 18th, visiting rooms and talking with residents like former Navy A-2 pilot Howard York (below left).
JUNE 30, 2024
Farewell to Rev. Torrence Harman. Happy Retirement!
June 2, 2024
Sunday, June 2, was a very special day for N. Farnham Church. Bishop Gayle Harris, Assistant Bishop of The Diocese of Virginia, officiated as we celebrated the confirmation of Mead and Miriam, as well as the reaffirmation of parishioners Susan Crowley and Brenda Harhai . Congratulations and blessings to all!
MAY 18, 2024
FUNdraising for Charity
Our May 17th dinner, organized by the ECW of N. Farnham & St. John’s, raised over $4,500 for local charities! Thanks to all who supported this event!
February 13, 2024
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper a Sweet Success
Thanks to the culinary skills of the men of the congregation, we feasted on pancakes, sausage, and apples in a Mardi Gras atmosphere and were serenaded by Anthony Dowd playing jazz piano on the eve of Lent.
January 5, 2024
A Roaring Good Time: The Twelfth Night Bonfire and Potluck
All who braved the cold temperatures for our January 5th bonfire at North Farnham enjoyed Cindy Mescan’s appetizers, Reverend Torrence’s delicious white chicken chili and cornbread, plus mulled wine or cider, s’mores, cookies, and more. Thank you to Michael Sisson for the toasty fires and to all who attended for the warm fellowship!